Have a ZZ plant that is looking the same from the day you have it? Wondering why it’s just not growing? These could be the reasons.
Although ZZ plants are slow growers, given the right conditions they do put on a lot of growth with time.
- LOW LIGHT- Although plants like ZZ tolerate low light conditions, they too need a good amount of bright sunlight to grow and thrive. Now if your ZZ has not put out even a single branch in a very long time most probably this could be the reason. Move it to a brighter spot(if you can give some morning or evening sun it’s the best).
- ROOT BOUND- if your plant is getting bright light yet not growing then this could be the second possible reason. Repot your plant into a 2-3 inches larger pot than its current pot size. Avoid repotting it into a very big pot as it can lead to root rot.
- POOR SOIL- ZZ plants like succulents love well draining soil. If your soil is too hard/ clayey or if the soil is very old and lacks nutrients it will slow down your plant’s overall growth.
- ROOT ROT- Overwatering is a big no no to ZZ plants (or any plant for that matter). Frequent overwatering causes root rot where the roots become soggy and mushy. A good way to water ZZ plants is by “Soak & Dry Method”. Water deeply until excess water starts draining out from the bottom of the pot. Then wait for the soil to dry out completely before watering again.